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Fit Help

Research says 80% of women are wearing the wrong size bra. O’womaniyah! says - right bra is not always size, it’s about comfort and its fit. it's about understanding your body — your size ofcourse but also your shape, your comfort, and your personal favourite style.
So, Why feel buying a right bra is difficult….Talk to O’Womaniyah!...always ready to help

Before you scroll down to size guide - Never Forget

There is a Right Bra for you…yes! You read that right…Definitely a right size a right fit for you. Your body is already perfect, just that, the particular bra isn’t perfect for you. That bra
is meant to fit you and not you to fit in the bra. So cheers? Like all women are different ? like wise all bras vary in terms of their sizing standard, material quality and the stitch style…so chill and connect with us for finding yourself a perfect fit.
Measurement for Perfect Size

Size Guide

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